“After last year’s successful edition we are pleased to announce the “9th ABC of Pediatric Dermatology” on Friday the 15th of 2023 in De Montil, Affligem.
The aim of this course is to provide the participants with detailed up-to-date knowledge of common skin conditions and clinical clues to arrive at the diagnosis of rarer and more serious conditions. This year again the lectures will be delivered by leading experts in respective fields as you can see in the program. A formal printed invitation will be sent later on by post.
Please share already this “save the date” with your colleagues.
We hope to meet you and your colleagues on September 15th.”
Congress Center De Montil
Moortelstraat 8
1790 Affligen (Essene)
15 september 2023, 08:45 tot 15 september 2023, 16:45